Patrick's Web Site: Dreamcast Controllers

This compares the three types of controllers I currently own. The Sega, Astropad, and Nyko. Third party controllers are compared to the Sega one in a unique format. Points are given for pros and taken away for cons, the larger the problem/improvement, the more points I give. As you can see, nothing compares to the Sega brand.


White, or any other color, though color doesn't really matter. The triggers and other buttons are of excellent quality, the start button is large and easy to press, and the slots for cards are normal-sized. Anything will fit in there, folks. The only downside is that the Digital pad isn't very good.


Available in different colors. Fits a normal sized hand well, that is, it's larger than the Sega brand
Uh, grip. That's about it. +1
Cheap buttons -2.
Overall: -1 If you can handle the grip and cheap quality, than go for it.


Also multicolored. Fits a large hand well. Might want to try before you buy if you're not in high school yet.
Large grip +.5 Transparency +.5
Pathetic slots. I can't get my VMU out. -2
Overall: -1 Put a VMU into another controller, don't use a jump pack, and you've got a great controller.