Patrick's Web Site- Crazy Taxi for Dreamcast
The incredible arcade hit appearing on the Dreamcast. This game not only brings the great arcade game home, it also has some more game modes. Original is an original world, more of an average city, with lots more cars than people. And Crazy Box, where you have to do things that help you in the real game, like dodge traffic or jump as far as you can. If you've never played the game before, than you're in for a real treat. Sega took a great concept (pick up people and drop them off at their requested location) and made something even better with it. You get tips for dodging cars, jumping in the air, and executing a "crazy drift", where you turn sharply and "drift". You can also do combos, the more times you earn a tip without hitting a car, the more each tip is worth. This game is great fun and has incredible graphics. Over 20 different people models and maybe 50 different car models. The camera is also superb, with none of the typical scenarios where the camera is in a building and you can't see anything. There is, however a very slight amount of pop-up, only seen when you're looking for it. Another superb feature is the cool (and appropriate music from Offspring and Bad Religion and very realistic sounds.
Graphics: 9.5 Superb graphics and camera, with only a very slight amount of pop-up.
Gameplay: 10 Not very realistic, but who cares? It's an arcade game, after all.
Replay Value: 10 After playing it for maybe 10 hours or so, it starts to lose its edge, but so does every game. I logged over 20 hours easily, which is incredible for an arcade game.
Music/Sound: 10 Appropriate music, courtesy of Offspring and Bad Religion. Only a few different pieces, though. And sounds so realistic you'll wonder where Sega recorded them.
Average: 9.9 Like all Sega games, easily worth a rental or a quick game at your local arcade.