Patrick's Web Site- Grandia 2 For Dreamcast:

Grandia 2 is probably one of the best RPGs ever made. The plot would make an excellent book, and the characters, even the non-playable ones, show great development. Ryudo, the main character, is a seventeen year old Geohound that lives alone with his only friend and sole confidant Skye, an old, sensitive, sarcastic eagle. Those jobs are usually mercenary-type jobs where Ryudo demonstrates his incredible swordsmanship and ready sarcastic comments. One job is that of guarding Elena, a Sonstress of Granas, the God of all that is good. After an excellent intro, Ryudo finishes a previous job and starts for the church in which Elena lives. This is where the game starts off.

The best thing about Grandia 2 is the revolutionary combat system. Turn based, every battle can be won without damage or lost bitterly, depending on your tactical skill. You can build up your magic and skills with coins, which you win from battles. If you go to the trouble of building up your party, battles become easier and the game itself is more enjoyable. Unlike Skies of Arcadia and other RPGs, the dungeons are relatively small and simple. Battles occur quite often, though you can take monsters by surprise fairly easily by sneaking up on them, since your party and theirs is visible.

Most video games are produced in Japan, and Grandia 2 is no exception. As a result, translation is necessary. Again, Grandia 2 excells. Not only is every phrase translated with skill, the voices are incredible and provided by real voice artists. You only hear them in cut scenes, of which there are many. The cinemas are excellent and the graphics are even better. Magic is totally customizable, and the spells look incredible. Bosses are difficult and get easier as your experience and personal skill develop. Much thought and effort was put into every imaginable facet of the game. In short, there is no room for improvement.

Graphics: 9.5 Like most Dremacast games, everything looks incredable. Though the characters don't have mouths, the subtitles have pictures of the faces that portray realistic expressions.

Gameplay: 10 The combat system is superb. Character development is better than many novels. Nothing wrong here!

Replay Value: 8 Typically, RPGs score fairly low in this regard. But with a unique plot, combat system, and incredible graphics, Grandia 2 does fairly well. Also, once you beat the game, new items and many hidden items are fine additions.

Sound/Music: 10 Complete with an included soundtrack, the music is spectacular, with character themes and four unique combat pieces. The sound is magnificent and realistic, though there are not many sounds. Only footsteps and battle sounds are common.

Average: 9.4 This is one of, if not THE, greates RPG ever created. Though Skies of Arcadia is the RPG of the Year (2000), I see no reason to say it is better that Grandia 2. Both are unique games with increible storylines, but are complely different in terms of battle system and length.