Patrick's Web Site- Gundam Side Story 0079 for Dreamcast

This is a futuristic war game with few strategy elements. You are a mech (similar to a "zord" in Power Rangers) and you command a squad to destroy other mechs and military targets. The rest of your squad is little help, so not much strategy here. The control scheme is a little weird (use the D-pad for moving and the analog for aiming) but easily mastered. The animations, movies, objects, and locations loook very realistic, worthy of appearing on a Dreamcast, unlike some DC games. The missions are usually pretty much the same thing, but they're still fun anyway. There is a difficulty setting to help further the replay value, as well. The sounds are frequent and realistic, and the voices are very well done. The music is relaxing, which doesn't suit a war game, IMO. Great console war game.

Grpahics: 10 The animations, movies, objects, and locations look great and realistic.

Gameplay: 9 Also great. If you're looking for a combined strategy game, look elsewhere. But it's a good war game.

Replay Value: 8 The missions are similar, but you can customise your mech, control the difficulty, and chose either a close or far combat style.

Music/Sound: 8 The sounds and voices are very realistic, while the music is relaxing and not very good.

Average: 8.8 If you're looking for a futuristic war game with little strategy elements or a not-quite patformer that's not cartoony, try Gundam. If not, try something else.