Patrick's Web Site- Ready to Rumble for Dreamcast

With great graphics, this game is worth a look. With okay gameplay, this game is worth a closer look. And with realistic sounds, well you get the idea. Those are the pros, whith outweigh the cons in writing but not in reality. With a poor replay value (though it gets better in 2 player), and no music (it probably wouldn't fit anyway) the game is worth a look and probably a rental. But since you should have a demo of it in your DC package, don't bother. You're not missing anything, unless you're a big boxing fan.

Graphics: 10 Nothing choppy about this game.

Gameplay: 8.5 With the "RUMBLE" feature, this game adds something to those of the old NES and SNES boxing games. But not much.

Replay Value: 7 Gets old fairly quickly, but slows down for awhile when you bring out another controller.

Music/Sound: 7 No music, but realistic sounds. But like many PC games, the sound sometimes loop until you get tired of 'em.

Average: 8.1 This game is pretty good for serious boxing fans, and worth a look from everyone else.