Patrick's Web Site- Revolt for Dreamcast
While this isn't the first of a new breed of racers, it is one of the first. RC Racers was (to my knowledge) the first racing game that featured remote control cars instead of life-size ones. And there were other racing games that allowed you to fire missles at the enemy and other such power-ups. Revolt combines both types of gameplay to allow a unique type of racing came. Now for the actual game. Revolt, like every DC game, has great graphics. The only downside is the camera, which has a unique view, from far behind the car. This takes nothing from the gameplay, and in fact, adds another degree of fun when you can actually see your enemy side-swipping you from behind. The gameplay, as mentioned before, is superb. It is not realistic to see a remote control car go as fast as real ones, but who cares? And this game features many power-ups including speed, homing missiles, plain missles, lightnig (zaps everyone nearby), and many more. You can also tell how far away your enemies are through a nice tracking system (no map) And the replay value is spectacular. You can make your own tracks, have up to 4 players playing at once, and the game itself is not simple, though the controls are. The music is relaxing and the sound is good, but sometimes hard to hear over the music (without using options). In short, this is one of the best racing games I've ever played.
Graphics: 9 If they could make the camera closer, than this would be a 10. Great graphics here.
Gameplay: 10 Similar to Mario Cart and all of its clones, but better! You can even make your own tracks!
Replay Value: 10 Includes a track-maker, many tracks and cars to unlock, and a 4-player mode. 'Nuff said.
Music/Sound: 9 Great music and good sound. Could be better, however.
Average: 9.5 At $20 at your local Wal-Mart, worth a purchase from racers. Worth a look from everyone else.