This site contains all of the sites I have made. If you would like a FREE webmaster, I will update your site once a month during school, and once a week during summer vacation. I can start updating now, if you already have a site, or I can make you one the summer of 2000 and update it for free for a year, then I will start to charge a small amount. If you don't already have a server in mind, I can register you with FreeServers, my server. I can only offer Java applets and scripts, DHTML, Flash, Vitalize, and any other complicated web programming that are reproduced for all webmasters at sites such as Javaboutique because I don't know them yet. I cannot offer you anything more compliced than my own site, this one, except for a guestbook and forum, neither of which I personally like. I only require a suitable graphic for my sites if you want something more complicated than this site. E-mail me if you are interested or have any questions. As I stated before, this offer is only for a limited time, so sign up now. Now, onto the sites I have already made.
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