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(From Archie)

The one with are mine. The others are "borrowed" from other sites. Click the image to get a better and bigger picture. You might want to download them seperately using Getright.

Cover/1st Page:

The new Sonic from #72.

Super Sonic, Ultra Sonic, Solar Sonic, Polar Sonic, and Eco Sonic. From #72.

Turbo Tails

Face-Off Between Sonic & Robotnik

Anyone notice how much Antione acts like Sonic in this picture?

Bunnie Gets Zapped


Sonic Vs. Knux 1

When Sally gets "killed" in #47. I don't have the third page. If you do, e-mail me.

The Floating Island (I don't remember where I found this, if you want to claim it e-mail me) and The Floating Island Map from the Knuckles Mini-Series #2

Sonic's Tornado Spin

Sprites from the never released Sega Saturn Game, Sonic X Treme. From Secrets of Sonic

Sonic CD Title Screen (I don't remember where I found this. If you want to claim it e-mail me).

A Sonic hot-air balloon! (I don't remember where I found this. If you want to claim it e-mail me).

Cool Sonic Background (I don't remember where I found this. If you want to claim it e-mail me).


Furs of the Forest- Art Has character sheets and background pics.


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