Welcome to my Star Wars page. In it you will find many Star Wars related things, as shown below. Much more will be on its way, but at leat I've gotten around to making this page!

Movies Welcome to the movies section of my Star Wars page. I have made links to every Phantom Menace related movie known to me, except for the teaser trailer (the one about Anakin), which will come later. Also coming later are movies from alt.binaries.starwars and other non-Phantom Menace movies on the 'net.

Music No music yet, this section will come later.

Pics No pics yet, this one will also come later.

Profiles So far the only profiles I have are Senator Palpatine's and Qui-Gon Jinn's. They are "borrowed" from another site, I forgot the URL. The others will be borrowed from Star Wars.com and some will be written by my friend, Ben Huang.

Comics These are from other websites and some newspapers.

VRMLs This section of my page is where I put all of my VRMLs up for display. To view them, go to this site and download the latest version of Cosmo Player. I'm new at this, so bear with me. So far all I have are two light sabers (one on and one off) the two Death Stars, Endor, and some planets.