Soon this page will be every webmaster's dream. Any site maker is referred to as a webmaster. This is not a source of income for me, at least not yet. In other words, I am not a professonal. It will have links to affilate programs, counters, guestbooks, forms, forums, site checkers, and much more. It inspects your site to see what, if anything, is wrong with it. Whenever I have two or more of something, I will make a seperate page for it. Until then, I will just put it on this page. Since that is finished, I'll just get on with the utilities.
Affilate Programs: These sites will either pay you commisions or CPC (cash per click). A good idea if you are low on funds or want to put your webmaster skills to good use.
Counters: Duh, these are counters. They count how many visitors you have.
Guestbooks: These are just like real guesbooks. You sign in and give comments about the page.
Forms: Forms are used often by webmasters. There are two types, a submit form (which sends e-mail to a specified address) and a normal one (which does other things, such as posts things on forums and guestbooks). There is usually a reset button, which clears the form. I use both kinds on my site.
Forums: These are like newsgroups, they discuss a certain topic.
Site Checkers: Inspect your site to see what, if anything, is wrong with it.
Affilate Programs:
Site Checkers: