Patrick's Updates Page
Whenever something is updated, it will be put here. A link will also be put up, to save hassle. During school, I will rarely update, but I'll try to update every holiday. If something major is updated, such as a new page, it will be mentioned on both the main page and this one. I update every night, so if you don't see something on the update date, then wait until the next day. Come summer, I will update everything every few days. Once this site gets enough stuff, I'll publicize it.
3/6/01- Well, I have a severs case of PSO-addiction. No replay value, my eye. I'll write a review, as well as my Skies fanfic when the novelty of PSO wears off. I'll get it done sometime in the summer, I swear! I think my writing skills are pretty good (who said that?!), but stuff takes time. Updatesd are postponed for an even longer peiod of time. I know I promised schoolwork will never intervere, but quarter exams are a pretty big deal. If I get a free server that works (big if) or at the end of the month, whichever comes first, I'll be online with PSO. The boradband adaptor isn't worth $70. Hell, cable itself only cost $10. Jedi Power Battles is much worse than I expected; I can't torture myself by playing through each character with each mode. Even if PSO wasn't beckoning to me. And they say drugs are addictive...
2/17/01- Well on my way to a good site. Finally. I chose my particular counter because I knew I wasn't going to spread the word much, and I didn't think many peple would pop in. Well, I'm pleasently surprised. Thanks! You make me feel special! *Cough* Hm. More stuff is comin, including updated pages, and a few more reviews. I'll also have some saves, maybe. Tyro made some VMU breakthroughs a few months ago, so I'll make some stuff, like Skies of Arcadia and Grandia 2 climax-saves, and PSO, Crazy Taxi, and maybe Jedi Power Battles perfect saves. Once I get PSO, of course. Polls are goin', and random music will go to every page, with some new MIDIs, maybe.
2/16/01- I can upload again! Look for a major update before March. I'll have at least 6 new DC reviews, and updated look, and lotsa stuff. A Skies of Arcadia short story (basically the later half of Skies in first person, with many different viewpoints) and some editorials are my current projects. My grades aren't as good as my parents would like, so DC and PC usage is restricted. I'll still update as constantly as I did before this FreeServers mess.
9/30/00- Got the reviews written. And I wrote reviews for two third party controllers and the Sega brand. I've written the Harry Potter short story, if anyone cares (I don't blame you). And my articles are still in the development stage. It's dificult to do resaerch on abstract ideas like Star Wars origins and representated Japanese legends.
9/20/00- Sorry, I got caught up in my schoolwork. I gave up on the QFG stuff, the articles I promised weeks ago were barely started, but I did finish the review stuff. I've made the review site nicer and better organized, and I wrote another review. Expect a few more reviews as I get games. Evolution 2 is written, and I'm gonna write reviews for Armada and NFL2K1. It'll be a pleasure!
8/28/00- I've got some editorial ideas: the inflences of Star Wars and a list of Japanese legends that contribute to Japanese games and anime (SA, RPGs, and DBZ come to mind). Both will probably be long and well put together. And the review stuff should be coming this weekend. Look for the editorials by the 15 or 16 of September.
8/22/00- It's been a few weeks, but some minor stuff has happened. I'll be getting Evolution 2 and Armada in the next few weeks, so some reviews will be coming up. Once I'm done with those, I'll accompany all of my reviews with screens and movies taken from various sources. Including Gamefan, NextGenVideos, Sega, and Dreamcast.ign. I'm also going to take off the polls, which I have just realized are extremly annoying. The promised icons are there, but the movies keep getting cut off. I'll try one last time tonight, and then try another (free) server. I am also writing a Harry Potter short story and editorial. I'm writing it to make it more interesting to the poor little kids who have nothing else better to do. Read Sonic comics or something, even Archie is more creative than J. K. Rowling. For a New York Times Bestseller, her writing isn't very good. No offense to her fans, family, or even herself, but her Sorcerer's Stone was almost unexperienced. Her third and fourth books are much better, and as my Expository Writing teacher says, you can't get much better, even if you write every day. So Rowling, it seems, wasn't very experienced before Harry Potter. That's giving the other, better pro authors out there (and me) the brush off.
It seems I've gotten off track. Anyway, I'll be getting some Phantasy Star Online stuff up, too. Courtesy of Sonic Team's Japanese/English site and NextGenVideos. And finish the frames page, which is only there for the people that want it. I'm warning you; you probably won't want to see it. But it's better than nothing. Maybe.
8/2/00- I've made the random music list, with over 100 different Sonic, QFG, FF7, Star Wars, and a few other good musics. I'll be putting it on all of my pages over the next few days. I'll try to have it done by Friday. I also have some QFG5 movies taken from the CD and some QFG icons. I'll upload the icons tonight and maybe the movies. The icons are a few KB, while the movies are from huge. The intro is about 60 megs and the others are between 12 and 17 megs. They are in Quicktime (.mov) format zipped. Check here.
7/27/00- Sorry for the lack of updates, but I decided it would be easier to upload all of my previews and reviews at once. I'll do it tonight. Anyway, I'm also gonna start a new section, called editorials. They are just unique topics that struck me suddenly. Look for my first one tonight! I'll also have more random musics, and put them on every page. And I've decided to take off the DC saves, unless they aren't available at or are my own creation. I'll also do something I'm sure will go noticed, frames! Yes, I'm finally gonna make 'em. And a new Misc. page, with editorials, NFS, and Quest for Glory stuff. Instead of having seperate pages, they're all gonna be on 1 page. And the Graphics page is moving to the page for Webmasters. The whole freakin' site is being redisigned! There's no end to the madness! But wait, there's more! This site is beginning to become popular! I never saw it coming! Thanks everyone!
6/30/00- No updates, but I've written a bunch of reviews and previews. Look for some this weekend and more later that week.
6/26/00- Finally, an update. A minor one only, I've put up my DC links page. I've been working on previews and reviews, so look for those. And I'll fix those DC saves. Eventually.
4/23/00- Sorry, no updates. I've been busy playing my DC and myecamp. Myecamp is a great site to visit because when you earn ePoints by playing games, ansewering trivia, and referring; you can trade the ePoints in for stuff, including DC games! The only problem I have with it is that the games get old fast, the trivia questions are kind of hard, and it takes FOREVER to earn ePoints. Maybe about a month per game, if you play an hour per day and don't have any referrals. But the site's still great! And if you say I (gdjohnson) referred you, you get 5,000 ePoints! I also went to Blockbuster, and now they have lots of DC games! Before they only had a few, but now they have about 20!
4/2/00- Another update! Serious DC page update, including progress on making my DC saves downloadable to a DC! I may seriously update it some more during these next 3 weeks because of SATs (teachers can't give homework) and Spring Break! I'll also add a Previews section soon to the DC page and have previews compiled from other sites, my opinions, and the Official Dreamcast Magazine (ODCM). The ODCM is great! I reccomend it to any even mild DC fan. The issue I got a few weeks ago came with about 100 previews, lots of reviews, and a GD-ROM demo disk that featured Rayman 2, Web Browser version 1.2, Virtua Striker 2, the full version of Sega Swirl, MDK 2, and Chu Chu Rocket. All of 'em are great games, IMO.
3/6/00- Finally! An update! Anyway, I fixed up the DC page and took away the Coin, stamp, and rock pages. I may put them back up later, but don't count on it. And I got my DC!!! Yay!!!
12/24/99- I may be adding a Pokemon page, mostly because I think some of those prices are way too expensive, especially since you get a rare in every $3 booster pack, and a 1/3 chance of getting a holo. So I will be puting up some cards I have I don't want. I will eventually have many cards for sale. So look out for that in the near future.
On a side note, a few friends and I are making a card and computer game called Pokechickenmon, or PCM. For it I will need a morpher program that combines 2 images into one. i.e., a chicken and Pickachu to form Pikachickadoodle (or Pikachukadoodle, I dunno). And if anyone knows of a decent RPG game maker, that would also be greatly appreciated. And BTW, I've checked zdnet for both.
On another side note, I will update the DC page every time a highly anticipated or good game comes out (i.e., Shenmue). The links page will probably stay 1 big page, instead of little ones for a while, so don't watch for that. My interest in Sonic the Hedgheog is declining rapidly, but I will always try to keep my Sonic site updated. But it probably will be updated every summer, at the most. I may also have a Quest for Glory page, for all 5 Quest for Glory RPGs, all of which are available at and sometimes ebay. I will definately have the perfect character, in everthing, available for download within a month or so. Merry Christmas everyone!
10/15/99- From now on updates will be few and far between. Only the DC and links pages will be updated for now. Updates will occur aproximately one week after a major day. i. e., 9/9/99, when the DC came out. So only come, say every few weeks. That's a lot better than the average 1-man site I've seen (updated about every 6 weeks).
10/8/99- Well, I honestly tried, but the poll results are CGI or something, and I only know HTML. If anyone can help me with the poll results, I would very much appreciate it. E-mail me if you want to help.
10/3/99- Whaddya know? I fulfilled an update! Some DC reviews can be found here, the random music will be used on every page instead of plain music, and the poll results will come soon. BTW, some of the Sonic music is from SonicHQ, an all-out Sonic site.
10/2/99- Some things are done. Random music, DC stuff, and maybe poll results will be uploaded tomorrow.
9/29/99- I'm getting there. I've gotten some of the random music done, and I'll probably get the poll results page, some DC reviews and other misc. files, but not much else. This year is a lot harder than last, but I'll try to have more updates. Count on updates every 3 weeks, and hope for updates every week.
9/25/99- Sorry I couldn't do the updates I promised last weekend, but I'll try to do some of them this weekend. All I've done is updated the updates page. Does that sound right? He he. Anyway, the browsers and some other things will have to wait. I'll do the random music drawer and poll rexsults for sure, and maybe some other things, proably including the DC stuff (reviews, movies, pictures, and maybe some other things). This site is beginning to become too much for me to do alone. If you would like to help, I'll change the name (probably) and split any earnings we get in relation to who does the most work. I'll also give you a little money (maybe $.50 or $1 I dunno) for every average daily person you bring in.
9/14/99- Okay, this weekend lookout for some collection sites to be added to the links page, a random music drawer, poll results page, more applets and applet links, Ep 1 pics and reviews, a Sonic browser, Sega browser (maybe), SW sounds & scripts, and lots of DC stuff. I might not have all of this though, so don't get your hopes up. In the near future I'll have a much better, more organized links page, backgrounds for every page, and much more! So check this site at least every weekend. I'll do my best to update, but since I have so much schoolwork, every weekend will be tough. But at least I'm back on the net!
9/12/99- Okay Dreamcasts are out, and even though I don't have one yet, I still have some info about it. Check my DC site here. I'll continue to update it, and when it's finished, I'll put a link on the main page. Look for links to other collection sites next weekend.
9/8/99- Okay, as you can tell, I'm back up. It turns out that during August/ mid-late July, some of FreeServer's sites were down(error: We are working on our servers. Try again later. And during this past week or so, you may have gotten the .htaccess message. Well, either I'm not good at making .htaccess files or FreeServers can't use 'em. I dunno. Anyway, for those of you who don't know, .htaccess files custimixe your # error pages (404, 500, etc., etc.).
Anyway, I'm going to do a major update soon. I'm talking major. I'll update nearly (if not) every section. Look for parts this weekend, next weekend, and the weekend after that. And on the Sonic page I'll ramble on about the Dreamcast, coming out tomorrow, if you haven't heard enough ramblings on the 'net. So look out for updates!
7/12/99- The Star Wars page is finished! Go here to see it. I also moved the Misc. Stuff section to this site. It is where I will put all of my graphics. When I wrote this, I hadn't uploaded it, so don't worry if you get a 404 error. Speaking of which, I will fix my personal errors page. It will look great and be detailed. None of my new pages will have backgrounds, until I select a background picture for them, including this one.
7/7/99- Okay expect the Star Wars site to be debuted, the links site to have a major update, and lots of graphics, including VRMLs, java applets, and maybe some HTML games by next weekend (7/17/99-7/20/99)
7/2/99- Okay, I've made some great VRMLs, Star Wars related. Speaking of which, the grand debut of the Star Wars section schould be coming soon. Expect a HUGE update of the links page. Over 200 Sonic links ALONE! Plus an add-a-link form. Also, I've made a frame and non-frame page, as you can tell. And every two-three weeks, the average # of visitors/day doubles! Thanks everyone! There were over 15 people coming in today! That may not seem like a lot to you, but wait until I really start advertising!
6/24/99- I'm back early. The unfortunate cause was a broken thumb on my right hand (the dominant one) so I'll be slower with the updating. But I got some good VRML practice and knowledge.