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Patrick Johnson's Home Page

This is a gaming page, a Sonic the Hedgehog page, a coin and stamp page, and a rock, mineral, and fossil page all linked together. Please support my page and sponser(s) by clicking their banners above. To see how many times all of my sites accessed click
. By the way, I am going to temporarily offer my services as a FREE webmaster. Click
here for details.

If you have a suggestion please

(e-mail me, in case you can't tell).

And remember, all of these pages are

Now, on to the pages:

Misc. Editorials, Quest for Glory stuff, and I'll move the NFS stuff there.

Dreamcast The brand new video game console, now available in the US and Asia! Click for more details, inculding the best places to order one.

For Webmasters For all of my fellow webmasters, this is the place where you will soon be able to get every thing you would need to make a good webpage.

Graphics This is where I will store all of my non-picture graphics. (moving to above category)

Portfolio This is a list of all the sites I have made, complete with details about how to get me to make you one.

Updates Duh, this is where I list the recent updates.

Star Wars A brand new page where I have Star Wars related movies, music, pics, profiles, comics, and VRMLs.

Sonic the Hedgehog Has Sonic the Hedgehog related movies, music, pictures, polls, fanfics, other downloads, and more. Soon it will have pages for some games and all cartoons.

Need For Speed Has Need For Speed related Top 10 lists, cars, movies, tracks, codes, and some of my own replays and polls.

Links Duh, this has all of my links. Redisigned soon. Watch the updates page.


Use this search engine, provided by What U Seek, to search for stuff portraining to all of my sites.

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